Thursday 4 February 2010

Development of Ideas 1

Our group had many paths to choose from, in terms what kind of envionment we wanted to do. We considered many various possibilities. We had the idea of following up a project an Environment design student from another course needed work on. We also considered the idea of designing a road that had one side of posh rich houses and shops and the other side poor and tattered.

However, Jo Angelo came up with the idea of designing the insides of the human body. In the end, we decided to follow up this idea. As you can see, I did some research into the human body and, in particular, the brain. Here are some mind maps I did focusing more on the brain and the heart.

I'm quite interested in developing some ideas on how the brain can operate. I think it has the most potential for exploration, so I will do some doodles centred around this idea.

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